Character info: LeeKwangSoo
Last login: 2024-09-20 17:05:00
Total time: 0 days 14:13
Clan N/A
Nation El Morad
Class: Warrior
Level 85
National Points 22,881 (0)
Monthly NP 0
Max Points: 367
Killed: 589
Died: 518
STR 240 HP 202
DEX 60 MP 50
INT 50
Ronark Land (625, 895)

Dragon Flight Helmet (+10)
Warrior Armor

Weight : 10.80
Max Durability : 24625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 141
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 186
Required Health : 90

Armor made from very bones of the fallen dragons, now guarded by Felankores followers
Dragon Flight Pauldron (+10)
Warrior Armor

Weight : 18.00
Max Durability : 24625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 217
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 194
Required Health : 94

Armor made from very bones of the fallen dragons, now guarded by Felankores followers
Chaos Spear of life 2H
(Unique Item)
Long Spear

Attack Power : 261
Attack Speed : Slow
Effective Range : 2.50
Weight : 16.00
Max Durability : 20500
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 20
Fire Damage : 150
HP Bonus : 500
Health Bonus : 10
Resistance to Flame : 30
Resistance to Glacier : 30
Resistance to Lightning : 30
Required Strength : 218

Feel The Power Of Yellow Chaos And Life !
Warimas Ring (+3)
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 85
HP Bonus : 250
MP Bonus : 250
Strength Bonus : 26
Health Bonus : 26
Resistance to Flame : 40
Resistance to Glacier : 40
Resistance to Lightning : 40

A mystical band imbued with ancient magic, granting extraordinary abilities to the wise and the brave.
Dragon Flight Pad (+10)
Warrior Armor

Weight : 14.40
Max Durability : 24625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 187
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 190
Required Health : 92

Armor made from very bones of the fallen dragons, now guarded by Felankores followers
Warimas Ring (+3)
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 85
HP Bonus : 250
MP Bonus : 250
Strength Bonus : 26
Health Bonus : 26
Resistance to Flame : 40
Resistance to Glacier : 40
Resistance to Lightning : 40

A mystical band imbued with ancient magic, granting extraordinary abilities to the wise and the brave.
Dragon Flight Gauntlet (+10)
Warrior Armor

Weight : 7.20
Max Durability : 24625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 100
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 178
Required Health : 86

Armor made from very bones of the fallen dragons, now guarded by Felankores followers
Dragon Flight Boots (+10)
Warrior Armor

Weight : 7.20
Max Durability : 24625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 100
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 182
Required Health : 88

Armor made from very bones of the fallen dragons, now guarded by Felankores followers

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